Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Today is a beautiful day in Southwest Florida. The air is crisp and the sun is still shining. No matter where you are, here on the beach or up north sitting in snow you should go outside and just enjoy the environment around you.

Look at the wildlife and the grass and the trees. Take a big deep breath and try to describe what you feel.

I stepped outside today and smelt fresh brisk air. I squinted at the sight of the sun and laughed when I saw a couple of birds chriping and fighting over a piece of bread. Life isn't always about your job, school, or just trying to get by. If you just take a moment and enjoy your surroundings you might find some peace inside of yourself.

Try it, you'll feel better.

1 comment:

ONNO said...

I agree 100%. Sometimes I sit outside and write down the details of everything I see. It's a way to observe more and remind myself in the depths of a cold winter the tiny pieces of other seasons I love.

Dagny McKinley
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