Friday, January 25, 2008

Devil's Advocate

Just because I am a huge follower of this Oprah phenomenon of making the world a better place to live doesn’t mean I don’t disagree with some of the ideas on the show. I really disagree with Matt Damon, a movie star, was the one who came on the Oprah show to promote the website. I do believe that stopping junk mail and planting trees, which is what the website is about will help our planet but I do not think we should pay for it.

To start, the cost is $20. Not that I am against paying a little bit of money for our environment but I feel like we shouldn’t have to pay for this service type of service. There are plenty of websites that you can go to and click on that will planet a tree for free. This website will planet 500 sq. feet free in your name for registering for free.

Another issue I have is stopping the junk mail. I discontinued getting bank statements in the mail and I now receive them electronically. This saves a lot of trees and it costs me nothing. The email statements also save the company money and it was so simple. I use Bank of America and I know they do this service for Debit cards, Credit Cards, and my Savings Account.So if you want to start simple I would suggest going through your electronic billing for credit cards or banks and see if they offer to stop mailing you statements and for you to receive them electronically. I bet you’ll feel better if you know you’re helping our environment.

1 comment:

Christine M said...

Great idea about getting e-statements. I did that with my Suncoast bank account. It's so much easier than paper statements and you don't end up with a huge pile of paper to either shred or file away.