Tuesday, January 22, 2008


…is what planet earth is saying to her residents. As consumers and almost infesters of this planet we are not doing a very good job at keeping it clean. We now actually have to deal with the issue of climate change.

Here is an article that was just recently posted on the Voice Of America (VOA) website from the Red Cross. Who wouldn’t know more about the effects of climate change then the Red Cross? The Red Cross are the ones actually going and helping people who suffered from the natural disasters that climate change caused.

Here’s a great quote from the article:
“…changes in temperature and rainfall are expected to seriously damage agriculture in future years. And, increased temperatures, he says, are resulting in the appearance of diseases like dengue and malaria in new areas…” says Red Cross Secretary-General, Markku Niskala.
I understand what is going on with the climate and can see the results of climate change here in Southwest Florida. The weatherman on our TV’s cannot stop commenting on how warm it is here for January. So I suppose a question to pose here would be: What is making the climate change so much? And also, what can we do to help this situation? These will be issues I am more than willing to address in upcoming posts.

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