Wednesday, January 23, 2008


There are numerous people out there, mostly women, who look to one higher power for advice in love, life, money, health, and almost everything else there is to imagine in life. That higher power would be Oprah. She is definitely a leader and has millions of followers. So, being the follower that I am, watched her show on Going Green and decided to go green myself.

The show introduced a whole new world of cleaning products for me to use that would make my house clean. Interestingly enough every single one of these products has no scent. Scent doesn’t mean clean. The smell of nothing means clean. This interested me. For all of my 21 years of living, 18 of those under my parent’s roof, I’ve come accustomed to smelling a fresh scent of Pine Sol or Mr. clean and mentally becoming satisfied living in a “clean” area. Now I realize that the “clean” scent isn’t very clean anymore!

I’m tempted to try an organic cleaning product. I would also like to try some rewashable towels or cleaning tools as well. One’s that I can reuse over and over again and not have to throw away like I do with paper towels when I am cleaning the mirrors.

I hope Oprah has made a few more followers than just me. Somehow I believe she has.

1 comment:

Christine M said...

Oh, that Oprah. She certainly is a powerful lady. It's good to keep that info on clean "scents" in mind when buying new products!