Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Incoming: TRAIN

Did you all like that train?

If you didn’t’ even bother to look at it then fine. Let me just give you some interesting facts that I found on the website.

Replacing every locomotive in North America manufactured before 2001 with GE's
hybrid technology would, in a year, cut smog-producing nitrogen oxide emissions
as much as removing one-third of all cars from U.S. roads.

Sounds like motivation to me. What’s wrong with the trains we have now you ask? A lot of things. The result of smog that comes from the exhaust of a train is just one thing. But this one thing is extremely harmful to the air that we breathe every single day. GE also has cleaner coal in the works for our future. They use coal on trains but I’m sure this train uses something different. A hybrid diesel-electric train is what is in the works here. A train that stores extra energy into batteries and helps to preserve the environment is all right with me.

I’ve never taken the train before but I’m tempted to try if this is what I’d be riding in. Plus this will save me gas money, which is on the rise.

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