Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tap Project

From March 16th until the 22nd, I know I'm a little late, restaurants all over the country will ask you to donate a dollar for your glass of ice water that you order with your meal. By donating a dollar for your water it will give a child 40 days of clean drinking water.

How amazing is this? We don't even have to do anything out of our ordinary day. Go to lunch with friends or go and have a nice romantic dinner. Just pay a dollar more and you could help save a life.

The Tap Project website has a search engine to find restaurants in my area that are participating in the cause. Unfortunately there aren't any that I've found. How sad is it that one of the most overpopulated places in America and also one of the richest becomes one of the ignorant and cheapest?

Look for yourself.

1 comment:

Todd Bursztyn said...

This is very sad. Your comment about America (although scathing) is unfortunately spot-on. Think about how much one dollar can do, and then think about the billions in excess wealth and the trillions being spent on killing overseas! It's time for a revolution! Or at least some restaurants could have participated in the drive...