Monday, March 24, 2008

On the highway to.....smog.

The recent rise in gas prices makes everyone who owns an automobile pretty irritable. To help save some gas money and conserve our earth here are a few tips to get you through.

1. An engine tune-up can improve your car’s fuel efficiency from 15 to 50%.
2. Opening your windows at high speeds causes drag and you fuel! Pop open the car’s vents next time.
3. By keeping your tires inflated you can save about one tank of gas per year.
4. Cruise control helps you maintain a constant speed and will most likely save you gas.
5. If you are waiting around for someone in your car, turn it off, it wastes more gas idling your car then turning it off and then back on.
6. Remove excess weight in your car. Ride light.
7. Observe the speed limit; you’ll save some money and quite possibly a life.

So you say you don’t care about saving a little money? That’s fine but you should look at the effects of car emissions on the planet. Driving a car is the single most polluting thing that most of us do. Motor vehicles emit millions of tons of pollutants into the air each year.

Need more examples?

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