Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I want to play

Let’s face it. Children are the hardest to please. Whether it is food, nap time, or bath time children will cry, whine, and beg until they get what they want. When it comes to being eco-friendly, children can now have a part in helping our environment.

Toys. The magic word to most children when they are bored. Children love toys. Toys keep children quite and usually calm during doctor appointments, car rides, or at home.

1. Xeko Trading Card Game
2. ImagiPlay Puzzles
3. Natural Collection from Sigikid Toys
4. Kallisto Stuffed Animals
5. FantasyLand Wooden Blocks from Haba

The list includes five products that are safe for children and our environment. A couple of the items were made out of organic cotton and stuffed with wool. These were also made in Germany.

The one toy that looks extremely interesting is the trading card game, Xeko. It looks like it could really boost a child’s imagination and interest in the Earth and the environment we live in.

I’m glad these toys are here to help spark awareness in parents and in children. They can make a difference and they can have fun while doing so.

You can find a lot more toys game, and crafts through searching the web.

1 comment:

Babz said...

I am glad to find this out about these toys. I have a lot of friends that have kids. I will be sure to pass this information on. Anything to help our environment!