Thursday, February 21, 2008

Paper Please

One of the blogs I read on occasion has an article about recycling paper in Europe.

“The European Union is on target to meet a commitment to recycle 66% of its paper by 2010, representing an uplift of nearly 10% from 2004 when the targets were first measured.”

I work in a retail store and just recently we started to recycle plastic, aluminum, and glass. I must say that by having a separate bin to recycle those things makes a big difference. Our trash doesn’t get filled up as much and I every time I put something in there I feel like I am helping my environment. The bins outside of the stores were just recently added. I am curious to take a poll and see how many other stores are trying to make a difference as well.

Also, lower prices are a great motivation to use recycled paper. Most people complain about prices rising and how much everything is. A higher demand in recycled paper means lower costs. Saving the rain forest is also a great motivation. We should try to prolong our forests for as long as we can, at least until we can grow some new ones and create more homes for animals.

There needs to be a balance somewhere. The recycled paper has an even better quality now then it did before. It has more than enough quality to surpass regular paper that isn’t recycled. I’m sure recycled paper probably couldn’t even be compared to regular paper anymore and you probably won’t be able to tell the difference. If you could tell a difference then it would be that you would find recycled paper looking and performing better than regular paper.

1 comment:

Babz said...

I always buy recycled toilet paper and paper towels from Publix. I have also noticed that the recycled brands are in demand because when I bought some today there was hardly any left.