Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It all adds up

Need to calculate your harmful footprint? I’ve done this once before and I must say this website does it a little differently than most. If you don’t like to read bar graphs then don’t do this. A great plus that they’ve added after you fill in your zip code, home size, and email address and after they show you several bar graphs of what you are doing to our planet you can choose to click on “Projects.”

It is a button at the bottom of the screen and after clicking on it a new page shows up with numerous and I mean NUMEROUS ways to help your ecological footstep be a little bit smaller than it is right now. You could replace windows, install energy efficient appliances, or perform water and energy audits in your household.

This is only the tip of project ideas. There are even prices for products and what it will save you annually and what it will save you in water, energy, and CO2 wise.

If you’re looking for a jumpstart to becoming more ecologically aware then this is the place to do it. You might be surprised at how much of a footprint you are actually leaving; I was!


Monica DiDonato said...

I did this in colloquium and it really shocked me to know that my "footprint" was bigger than I had expected.

Todd Bursztyn said...

The results are shocking. Here's another site that can calculate your ecological footprint:

I'm not sure how this one compares to yours, but it's quick and easy to use and the computations are mind-blowing.

TNLogan said...

Oh wow. I had no idea... Very cool link, Michelle! Thanks for posting it!