Wednesday, February 13, 2008

You'll need some green for this

If an EcoPod is too small to fit your entire family on, you could always go for something larger. The Santa Barbara Sectional by RC Green is around $7,700 for the standard size sofas. It comes to two larger sizes, which cost a little bit more as well. The designer uses natural and organic materials to create the piece. The frame is even made out of some certified wood. Recycled steal creates the screws and springs of the sofa. There is even a wide range of upholstery options to create your own personal touch.

This sofa looks stylish and from the description seems like a great addition to an eco-friendly household. The only downfall is the price. Why do eco-friendly products have to come at such a high price? If we want more people to follow environmentally safe ways then we should make it affordable for people to do so.

Of course celebrities can afford products like this and they are usually the ones who are pushing the products on us. If they’d like to treat us to a sofa or two then I’ll accept. I think I’d rather save my $7,700 for a down payment on a house or a car. But if you have the money then I believe it is money well spent. As long as you have a house to put it in.

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